Friday, December 23, 2011

Back in Arizona!

Current Weather: An abnormal 48 degrees, just chilly enough to wear my new warm sweater from the Gap!
Current Book: Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Current Coffee: Latte de soja a fait dans ma cuisine? My french is rusty. I made my own soy latte.
Blogging Incentive: To kill time before my lovely boyfriend shows up with my LAST pizza of the year :)Yes y'all, this girl is going on a strict diet as of the 26th :D

I haven't been in the blogging mood lately. Though you guys have received numerous text messages from me (not my readers, my actual physical friends), I decided to put together a montage of my favorite things about this break so far!

First, I present to you my night of drinking wine and reading a WONDERFUL book called 'Still Alice.' It's about this 50 year old woman who has just been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. Everyone that just conquered biology will LOVE being able to actually know what they are talking about. For example  one of the lines in the book is as follows:

Secretases were the naturally occurring enzymes that released normal, unharmful levels of amyloid-beta. The mutation in Alice's presenilin-1 secretes rendered it insensitive to proper regulation, and it produced too much amyloid-beta. Too much was harmful. Like turning on a faucet that couldn't be turned off, her sink was rapidly overflowing. 

I promise you I didn't search for that paragraph. It was sitting (rather electronically waiting) for me as I entered my password.'s weird to talk about books like that.

This next love of mine, my friends, is the ever-so-famous Hava Java that I ramble on about. Oh, how delicious my first sip was after a month without it! 

 Then I made red velvet cake cookies. They were part of a whoopee pie mix that I decided to transform into cookies with cream cheese icing. Imagine a gay guy saying "yee-um!" They're exquisite!

Last, but certainly not least, I present to you the process of making homemade raviolis. They were SO dense that eating one filled me up like Paula Dean...y'all need some more butter? My classy ass used a beer bottle (that I drank...hehe) to roll out the dough. 

[I'm adding these pictures as part of an edit I am doing to this post]
Here's how the raviolis turned out! :) I put some pesto, Alfredo, and dollops of marinara on top and had cheesy garlic bread on the side. This is part of my current eateverythingicanbeforeistartmydiet meal plan: 

Instead of two stockings this year (my mom does one and then my grandma does one), I was able to choose a mani/pedi for one of them! The lady asked me if I was engaged. I'm going to start messing with people and pretend I am about to go on my honey-moon so that they'll give me discounts. :D You know's always my birthday if there is something free involved. 

Other things I'd love to tell you girls (and my readers....the sad few regulars[I love you guys!]):

After Christmas Will, his friends, his friends' girlfriends, and I will be hauling our warm clothing up to Pine Top to spend the week in the snow. I can't wait! It's going to be so wonderful and relaxing. I'll upload a TON of pictures showing you guys what I got for christmas. Y'all better do the same! 

<3 Love you all,

Momo Jenkins

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